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Hi Everyone! Thanks for stopping by my website! My name is Sendy and I am a 5x certified brow artist. A little bit about myself, I love traveling and seeing the world. I learn more about myself and humanity every time I do. I speak fluent Chinese and have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology which basically just collects dust. Post college, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in life so I bartended for a little over 3 years just to get by (I make a mean cocktail). Upon moving to a new state, I didn't want to look for another bartending job so I took a leap of faith and invested my money into training for permanent make up brows. I traveled to Los Angeles, CA to learn from the very best in the industry! I love my craft, this is my art. My passion now is being able to give women confidence, one set of brows at a time. 


P.S: Don't expect me to look like the girl in the video! I had about 10lbs of make up on in that video! On most days I don't wear make up and resemble a cross between a troll and a little gremlin LOL.

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